Assigning Affiliate Links in an Activation
  • 18 Oct 2024
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Assigning Affiliate Links in an Activation

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Article summary

If you enabled affiliate links in your Activation settings, you can access the Assign Links Workflow step. Here, you can assign affiliate links for your creators to reference on their Live Site and use while participating in your program.

You can learn more about the Assign Links step in this article.

What You'll Need

How to Do It

You can access this step by navigating to Program > Activation> Your Activation > Workflow > Assign Links.

Once you've activated a creator, you can assign them an affiliate link that they can use to promote your products. You can assign affiliate links, as well as manage creators in other ways, with either row actions or bulk actions. You can learn about these actions in the following sections.

Row Actions

You can use row actions to work with an individual creator.

Select a creator's name to open a side panel with details about the creator's proposal. Any tasks, products, and other details they agreed to or chose for themselves will appear in this side panel.


You can freely edit or browse their selections with the following tabs:

  • Tasks: Review the tasks the creator's agreed to as part of their proposal. You can also add or edit tasks here. These changes will be reflected in the creator's proposal on their Live Site, but you do not need to resend a proposal for them to review.
  • Products: Similarly to the Tasks tab, you can review, add, or edit product orders the creator's placed via their proposal in this tab. These changes will be reflected in the creator's proposal on their Live Site, but you do not need to resend a proposal for them to review.
  • Payments: Any payments you've made to the creator will appear in this tab. You can also make payments to the creator from here.
  • Content Rights: The content rights the creator agreed to will appear here.
  • Delivered Content: Any delivered content the creator has submitted as part of the Activation will appear here.

Hover over a creator to display other row actions. They are:

  • View Content: Preview the creator's content from their connected social networks.

  • Assign Affiliate Link: Generate an affiliate link for the creator.
  • Send email: Compose and send creators an email.

  • Add Note: Write a note for that creator that you or others with access to the Activation can view at any time. Creators will not see these notes.

Once you assign a creator an affiliate link, you can select the Edit button next to it and customize the following settings per affiliate link:

If you have any product links, or deep links, associated with the primary affiliate link, or parent link, then any changes to make to the parent link's settings will also affect all of its deep links. For example, changing the end date for the parent link will also change the end date for all of its deep links.

  • Edit Link(s): Edit the parent link and any associated deep links in a new modal. You can edit settings such as start and end dates, payout rates, or add new deep links from one place.
  • Edit Start Date: Change the start date for the affiliate link and all of its deep links.
  • Edit End Date: Change the end date for the affiliate link and all of its deep links.
  • Edit Destination URL: Change the product page URL that the affiliate link redirects to.
  • Edit Payout: Change how the creator will be paid out for conversions on the affiliate link and all of its deep links.
  • Expire Affiliate Link: Expire the affiliate link and all of its deep links.
  • Copy Link: Copy the link to your device's clipboard.
  • Add Deep Link: Add a deep link to the affiliate link. Deep links allow you or your creators to have additional affiliate links to different product pages or destination URLs in the Activation. GRIN will track reporting and conversion data for parent links and deep links.

If a creator's affiliate link has any deep links, you can select product links to expand a list of those deep links. Each deep link can be edited with the following settings: 

  • Edit Destination URL: Change the product page URL that the deep link redirects to.
  • Expire Affiliate Link: Expire this deep link.

Bulk Actions

If you want to manage multiple creators at once, you can use the available bulk actions. To display bulk actions, select the checkbox next to each creator you want to update. The available bulk actions are:

  • Assign Affiliate Link: Generate an affiliate link for selected creators. If any creators in your selection already have an affiliate link, they'll be skipped over.
  • Add Deep Link: Assign a deep link to selected affiliate creators. If any creators in your selection don't have a parent link yet, they'll be skipped over.
  • Change Payout: Change how the selected creators will be paid out for conversions on their affiliate links.
  • Edit:
    • Tags: Edit the selected creators' tags. These are custom tags you can make yourself. Learn more with Managing tags.

    • Set relationship stage: Update creators' relationship stages. Learn more with Creating Relationship Stages

    • Set custom property: Update creators with custom properties. Learn more with Creating Custom Properties.

    • Change owner: Update the assigned GRIN user for the selected creators.

  • More Options:
    • Send email: Compose and send creators an email.

    • Sequences: Add creators to an existing email sequence. Learn more with Sequences.

    • Send alert: Send creators an alert. Alerts are special communications that don't affect your send limits in GRIN. You can learn how to set these up with White labeling the creator experience.

    • Export: Download a CSV file of the table. Only the information of the creators you've currently selected will be exported. You can customize what information is exported with the table's Columns button.

    • Pause content & reporting: Tell GRIN to stop tracking creators' content posts, conversions, and other metrics for this Activation.

    • Unpause content & reporting: Tell GRIN to resume creators' tracking content posts, conversions, and other metrics for this Activation.

    • Remove proposal: Permanently remove creators and their proposals from the Activation. You will need to readd creators to the Activation and resend them a proposal if you want them in the Activation later.

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