- 23 Aug 2024
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Managing All Creators in Your Activation
- Updated on 23 Aug 2024
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Once you’ve created an Activation and added creators to it, you can view and manage your creators from the All Creators tab. This tab shows all your creators in an Activation regardless of whether or not they’re not yet activated, are activated but are in different steps in the Workflow, or have declined your proposal. As long as the creator is part of the Activation, they’ll appear in this tab. Be sure to take advantage of this tab to view and manage all the creators that are part of your Activation!
What You'll Need
- An existing Activation.
- At least one creator added to your Activation.
How to Do It
To access the All Creators tab of your Activation, navigate to Program > Activations > Your Activation > All Creators tab. This will open the All Creators page where you will see a table of all the creators that are part of your Activation, regardless of stage or status. Once you're here, you can organize and manage the creators that appear here in different ways.
The table has a few basic tools you can use. At the top of the table are:
- Filter: Click to open the Filters side menu and select fields to filter your creators by.
- Search: Enter keywords into the search bar to search your list of creators.
- Views: Save your current filtered table as a saved view. You can have up to five saved views per table.
- Export: Click to export a CSV file of your table.
- Columns: Click to open the columns popover and customize what columns appear in your table. You can also click on column headers to sort your list of creators in ascending or descending order.
At the bottom of the table are:
- Lines per Page: Click the dropdown menu at the bottom left of the table to customize how many creators appear per page in the table.
- Pages: Click the arrows at the bottom of the table to go to the next and previous pages of your table.
- Refresh: Click the Refresh button at the bottom right of the table to manually update your table's data. GRIN automatically refreshes your information periodically, but you can also do so immediately with this button.
You can also click on a creator's name in your tables to open a side panel. This displays details about the creator within your Activation, a link to their GRIN creator profile, an option to Send Emails to that creator, and the statuses of their connected social networks and payout option. You can also customize the creator's details in each menu. These menus are:
- Tasks
- Products
- Payments
- Content Rights
- Delivered Content
Finally, there are unique actions you can take to customize and manage individual creators or many creators at once. There are different ways to take these actions:
- Row Actions: Hover over a creator to show individual actions you can use in their row. This table has the following row actions:
- View Content: View your creator’s content from all their social networks, their metrics, and a link to Manage your creator’s profile.
- Send Email: Send an email to your creator.
- Creator Preview: Open a preview of the creator’s Live URL.
- Add Note: Add a note for that creator’s task for you and your team to see.
- Remove from Activation: Remove your creators from the Activation.
- Bulk Actions: Click the checkbox next to one or more creators to display bulk actions you can use to affect all the currently selected creators. This table has the following bulk actions:
- Tags: Edit your creators’ tags.
- Sequences: Add your creators to a Sequence..
- Send Email: Send your creators an email
- Edit
:Further edit your creators’ settings:
- Set Relationship Stage: Change your creator’s relationship stages with your Brand or manage your relationship stages.
- Set Custom Property: Assign a custom property to your creators or manage your custom properties.
- Change Owner: Change the owner of your creators.
- More Options
:Show more actions you can take:
- Send Alert: Send an email alert to your creators.
- Export: Export a CSV file with only the data from your currently selected creators.
- Pause Content & Reporting: Stop GRIN from tracking and pulling content from your selected creators.
- Unpause Content & Reporting: Resume GRIN tracking and pulling content from your selected creators.
- Remove from Activation: Remove your creators from the Activation.
And that’s it! That’s all the ways you can manage and work with all your creators in an activation. Now you’ll be able to filter, export, and edit all your creators throughout your activation all from one place!