- 27 Feb 2024
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Managing Creators from the Inbox
- Updated on 27 Feb 2024
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When you're exchanging emails with creators in GRIN, you can quickly see and manage that creator's contact and program information from the creator's side panel.
The side panel has a variety of creator settings that you can edit directly from within your GRIN Inbox. This article will go over all of these settings.
What you'll need
To use email-related features in GRIN, you need to integrate your preferred email provider. You can learn how with our help article Integrating Your Email.
How to do it
To open a creator's side panel, select an email thread. Then, select the arrow icon. This will open your creator side panel if it's not already open.
From here, there are multiple settings you can update for the creator directly from your Inbox. You can learn about each of them below.
Creator profile
The creator profile displays the creator's profile picture, their contact status, an option to view content, and any social networks they've connected with. You can select the creator's profile picture to open their GRIN profile. Selecting view content will open a new side panel where you can preview some of their posts from their connected social networks.
Contact type
You can view and edit the creator's contact type. When you update a creator's contact type, they'll also be moved to the appropriate table in your Contacts.
From Activations, you can view all Activations the creator is a part of (including archived ones) as well as select Manage Activations to associate additional Activations with them.
Live Sites
You can view and quickly copy the creator's Live Site URLs from this setting.
View the creator's currently assigned Owner. Select Change Owner to update the creator's owner to another one on your GRIN account.
Contact information
You can view a creator's contact information, such as their first and last name, email, and website, from this section. All of the available fields can be updated as needed.
Shipping addresses
You can view the creator's primary and secondary shipping addresses in this setting. Select Add address to fill out another address for them.
Custom properties
Custom properties are properties you set up within GRIN to help you differentiate between creators. When creators submit proposals to participate in your programs, you can include these custom properties as questions so they can tell you more about them. This section will display creators' responses to these questions.
You can learn more about custom properties with our article Managing Custom Properties.
Affiliate links
You can view, copy, and open the creator's currently assigned affiliate links from this setting.
You can also select Add new link to generate a new affiliate link for the creator, or select Manage links to edit or delete the creator's currently assigned links.
You can learn more with our help articles about Affiliate Links.
Discount codes
Similar to affiliate links, you can view and copy a creator's assigned discount codes from this setting. Select Manage codes to edit or delete a current code, or to add a new one.
You can learn more with our help articles about Discount Codes.
The conversions section summarizes how much revenue the creator has generated so far.
This setting displays how much the creator has been paid so far and if they can receive PayPal payments.
You can learn how to make payments from within GRIN with our article Paying Creators. Creators can learn how they can set themselves up to receive payments with our help articles Setting up payouts as a U.S. resident or Setting up payouts as a non-U.S. resident.
Relationship stage
This setting displays the creator's currently assigned relationship stage. GRIN has some relationship stages by default, but you can also create your own. You can select Change stage to update their stage to another one or manage your current stages.
You can learn more with our article Creating Relationship Stages.
Tags displays any tags you've assigned to the creator. Tags are custom to your GRIN account. You can select Change tags to add or remove tags from the creator or manage your current tags.
You can learn more with our article Managing tags.
This section lists any available URLs for a creator's social network profiles. These URLs will automatically appear if a creator connects a network with GRIN, but you can manually update or edit these URLs yourself here as well. However, note that even if you update the URL, the creator may still need to connect the proper social network account for GRIN to automatically pull in metrics and content for that account.