Using the Home Page
  • 02 Feb 2024
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Using the Home Page

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Article summary

You can learn what’s recently changed in your GRIN account and decide what to do next from your home page. You can review updates to your Activations, proposals, conversions, and more, as well as take suggested actions to manage your ongoing programs.

How to do it

You’ll automatically navigate to your GRIN home page when you first log in to your account, but you can also access it at any time by selecting the logo in the top left of the main navigation menu. Each section that appears is described below.

Grow your program

Use quick links to go to your most-used features or get started on something new using popular GRIN tools.

Recent activity

Review a summary of new highlights to your programs or items that need your attention. These can include new content, proposals, or conversions, as well as orders awaiting fulfillment, new messages, or Curated Lists that need your review. Select an item to quickly open and view it in GRIN.

Active programs

Your in progress Activations are displayed here from the most recently created to the oldest. Select one to go directly to its Workroom.

Level up with learning

If you want to learn what you can do next with influencer marketing in GRIN or reference our help articles, you can quickly access our resources here.

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