- 06 Sep 2024
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Viewing Payment History
- Updated on 06 Sep 2024
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Payments you've made to creators from Make Payments will be recorded and tracked in your Payment History. This page lets you filter your past payments, cancel payments, and view further details about each creator you've paid.
How to Do It
Navigate to Program > Make Payments > Payment History. Your Payment History displays:
Cash payments
Offline payments
Canceled payments
Payment batches appear in their own row, and each batch is determined by the time the payables were created. This means that you can have one batch with one or more payment items, and you can also have multiple batches appear for the same creator.
You can filter your history with the following:
Search: Search for payments by names of creators they were paid out to.
Filters: Filter results by different properties, including your Custom Properties.
Hover over a creator to display individual row actions. They are:
Manage: Open the creator's Creator Contact Profile.
Content: Open a side panel with a preview of that creator's content on social media.
Cancel Payment: Cancel all payment items in that batch. If the payments were cash payments made in GRIN, the value of those payables will be refunded into your creator funds within a few business days.
You can also select multiple creators. This enables bulk actions you can take with your selected creators. To view them, select the checkmark at the top of the table. The available actions are:
Export Payments: Export your selected creators and their payment history as a CSV file.
Clear Selected: Clear your selections.