How to Disable and Reconcile Discount Codes
  • 23 May 2023
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How to Disable and Reconcile Discount Codes

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Article summary

Discount codes allow you to track revenue gained through your influencers that you are able to payout based on a commissioned rate.

However, in some cases, these discount codes can be found on code websites which skews the amount truly owed to your influencers or the code is simply no longer needed.

In either case, you are able to disable your influencer's discount code and mark a selected amount of conversions as voided.

When a code is disabled it can no longer be used at checkout. The disabled code will still be visible in both GRIN and your eCommerce store but will now have an end date applied. If the code is disabled for fraudulent activity you have the ability to cancel/reconcile any sales from the date the compromise occurred.

Step 1 Click on Brands from the navigation bar.

Step 2 Click the Discounts icon on your brand.

Step 3. Click on the Manage Codes icon.

Step 4 Under the 'Actions' column, click on the Disable Code icon.

Step 4 Select a reason for disabling the code.

This code was compromised or has fraudulent activity

Step 5 Select the date for when the fraudulent activity began and then select a reconcile option for the conversions.

Step 6 Select if you would like to generate a new discount code for the influencer.

Step 7 Select if you would like to email the influencer and click Finish.

This code is no longer valid or is not needed anymore

Step 5 Select if you would like to generate a new discount code for the influencer.
Step 6 Select if you would like to email the influencer and click Finish.

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