- 08 Feb 2024
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Managing Email Sequences
- Updated on 08 Feb 2024
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You can manage and organize your sequences from your sequences table. It's particularly important to regularly refresh, update, and delete any unused sequences so you can stay within your GRIN account's sequences limit. You can learn how to do so in this article.
How to do it
You can access your sequences from Messages > Sequences. From here, you can manage your Active sequences and your Archived sequences.
Active sequences
Active sequences are for sequences you're currently using and will be available wherever you can send sequences. You can filter your current sequences by using the search bar at the top of the table.
Hover over a sequence to display its row actions, which are:
Show stats: Open a popover displaying quick metrics about the sequence.
Pause: Stop the sequence from sending any follow-up emails to creators, even if the follow-up emails' conditions are met. This turns into Resume after you select it.
Resume: Start sending follow-up emails in the sequence to creators who meet the conditions again. This turns into Pause after your select it.
Contacts: Open a new page to see which creators have been sent at least one email from this sequence. You can also remove creators from the sequence, which means they won't receive anymore follow-ups from this sequence. You can learn about adding creators to a sequence with our article Sending an email sequence.
More options: Displays additional actions you can take with this sequence.
Edit: Make changes to this sequence.
Archive: Move this sequence to your archived sequences.
Duplicate: Make a copy of this sequence.
Delete: Delete this sequence. Deleted sequences cannot be recovered.
You can also select the checkbox next to multiple sequences to perform bulk actions, which are:
Archive: Move all the selected sequences to your archived sequences.
Pause: Stop all the selected sequences from sending any follow-up emails to creators, even if the follow-up emails' conditions are met. Note that there is no bulk Resume action. You must restart each sequence with its row action instead.
Delete: Delete all the selected sequences. Deleted sequences cannot be recovered.
Archived sequences
Archived sequences are sequences that you are not currently using, but may want to reenable later. These sequences won't appear while inserting or sending them in GRIN, and you also can't edit them. You can filter your current sequences by using the search bar at the top of the table.
Hover over a sequence to display its row actions, which are:
Restore: Move the sequence back to active sequences.
Delete: Delete the sequence. Deleted sequences cannot be recovered.
You can also select the checkbox next to multiple sequences to perform bulk actions, which are:
Restore: Move the sequence back to active sequences.
Delete: Delete the sequence. Deleted sequences cannot be recovered.